Biomunity™ provides a comprehensive prebiotic supplement that delivers both soluble and insoluble fibers. This unique blend of functional dietary fibers feeds the beneficial bacteria in the gut microbiome and helps them thrive in the intestines.
Without a diet rich in functional multi-fibers, the microbes responsible for helping to modulate immune response can die out due to insufficient nutrients. When probiotics are starved out of existence in our gut, they are often replaced by unhelpful—and, sometimes, harmful—bacteria.
But! When functional multi-fibers ARE plentiful in the lower gut, they can be consumed by probiotics and converted (or, metabolized) into Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFAs). These essential fatty acids maintain the cells that comprise the gut barrier and trigger the body’s natural immune response functions. This is why SCFAs are essential for maintaining, and repairing, the gut barrier and helping to activate our essential immune response T-cells.
5 Prebiotic Ingredients
Arabinogalactan supports immune response, acts as an immunomodulator, and inhibits pathogens and harmful bacteria. [1][2]
AppleActiv DAPP™ provides clinically supported joint health benefits thanks to its high levels of potent antioxidants that inhibit free radicals and reduce oxidative stress and inflammatory enzymes. [3][4]
Beta Glucans [β(1,3/1,6)] from mushrooms and yeast have a useful mitochondrial antioxidant and are known to inhibit free radicals. [5] These Beta-Glucans also support a healthy immune system. [6][7]
CurQfen® supports immunity and promotes an anti-inflammatory state in the gut. [8] Thanks to improved blood-barrier-brain permeability, it has also been identified as an optimizer of brain health. [9][10]
Inulin supports the growth of lactobacteria, and bifidobacteria, two species that play a role in maintaining the body's immune response by inhibiting pathogens and harmful bacteria. [11] Inulin also helps maintain better colonic health by inducing favorable changes in colonic microflora. [12]
FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: How does this Prebiotic work?
Biomunity™ Prebiotic works in 3 ways in the intestines to deliver meaningful immune system support:
Supports the growth of Lactobacteria and Bifidobacteria species.
Once consumed, SCFAs, like acetic, propionic, and butyrate are created as a by-product. Part of these SCFAs is used to maintain the cells that make up the gut barrier.
Additionally, just by taking up space and resources in the gut, these beneficial bacteria restrict the growth of other harmful strains of bacteria.
Q2: What can I expect from a new Prebiotic?
Since everyone’s gut is different, some people may experience mild flatulence or a temporary feeling of bloating as the gut becomes accustomed to the new prebiotic. This is a natural effect of changes in the gut and any discomfort (if it occurs) usually disappears within 2–3 weeks of continuous use.
If you experience mild flatulence, or bloating, after 2 days of use, we suggest taking Biomunity™ Prebiotic every OTHER day for the first week, as your gut becomes accustomed to the new prebiotic fibers. After a week we suggest returning to the once-daily dose.
Drinking the contents of the prebiotic sachet each day in combination with the probiotic, as indicated on the box, enables your body to get the most from Kibow Biomunity™ every day.
Q3: How Does Biomunity Prebiotic modulate the immune system?
Our functional fiber blend primes the immune system, helping it remain active. These ingredients are known to promote digestive and gut health.
Functional fibers also support the colonies of beneficial bacteria living in the intestinal tract. Subsequent SCFAs trigger cells in the gut barrier leading to a cascade of cellular processes that ultimately activate T cells.
T cells specialize in defeating and destroying several antigens. They also signal macrophages, a more generalized pathogen killer, for backup.
Q4: Is Biomunity Prebiotic all natural?
Yes! Kibow Biomunity™ Prebiotic formulation is vegetarian, GMO-free, Gluten-Free, and Sugar-Free. Our products have been clinically tested and contain only validated ingredients, that deliver a balanced blend of fibers known to be essential for health.
Q5: Is Biomunity Prebiotic safe?
Prebiotics are generally recognized as safe for consumption (GRAS) by the US FDA. Our product is manufactured in a facility that is GMP–compliant (Good Manufacturing Practices) that also processes products containing peanuts, tree nuts, seeds, grains, eggs, crustacean, and dairy products.
Q6: Do I have to store this Prebiotic in the refrigerator?
Kibow Biomunity™ Prebiotic is shelf stable and needs no refrigeration.
Q7: What are some other benefits of this product?
Kibow Biomunity™ Prebiotic may also help with improving energy, bowel regularity, relief from symptoms of diarrhea and constipation, and replenishing and fostering the balance of gut flora after a course of antibiotic medications.*
Q8: Who can I contact if I have questions?
We invite you to email your questions to: We will respond as promptly as possible.
* References
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